Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why A Business Market Is It s Name Value Or Their Customers

What is more important to companies is it their name value or their customers? This question is what is going to be answered and all your curiosity will be exchanged to support to one of the two sides. This week s reading consisted of two articles that have different views, but at the same time are written in two different centuries so it is understandable that their views are completely different, a lot of things change in the world of business. I will summarize both articles and then inform you on their main view and then answer the question myself on where a business market stands. I will start with summarizing the first article, this author of this article is named Levitt.T. and it is called â€Å"Marketing Myopia†. He starts with his main claim early in the article and this claim would be that for a company to grow then the company indeed depends on its customers. If a company is not growing then it is simply due to false management and the manager is at fault. Growth of a company also comes with two other factors that are not particularly as big as customers, those two factors are from population and competition. Due to the correlation that competition has with population they both go hand-in-hand. It also states that companies believe that customers / society is a dependent variable in which this is false because they argue that customers are independent variables and that the market follows the customers wants and needs and not vice-versa. This view for businesses hadShow MoreRelatedGlobal Marketing : Global Brand, Indian Brands, Product, Branding S trategies Essay1512 Words   |  7 Pagesthose of another. Brand Building process is a value addition technique which projects the image of the product, the company and the country at large. Branding is more powerful than it is normally perceived and those companies which realized this have capitalized by building a strong Global Brand. 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