Friday, August 21, 2020

Role of Compensation for Compensation and Benefit -myassignmenthelp

Question: Examine about the Role of Compensation for Compensation and Benefit. Answer: Presentation Pay and prize are the significant and worldwide pieces of the administration method in each undertaking. So as to accomplish their destinations, missions and to amplifying their arrival on speculation, an association gives pay or awards to their representatives or laborers. The organization utilizes the awards to inspire their representatives and increment their efficiency. The association ought to think about the prerequisite and need of its workers before actualizing a prize methodology. This report will talk about in regards to the job of remunerations in present day association of the United Arab Emirates. Viable Compensation Strategy A viable prize framework isn't simply expanding the pay rates of representatives; rather, the organization ought to receive a remuneration approach dependent on their one of a kind work culture. Different elements impact a pay methodology, for example, rewards, benefits, non-money related favorable circumstances, learning opportunity and vocation wellbeing. A compelling prize framework can upgrade the presentation of an association. Numerous organizations accept that money related prizes are sufficient for the fulfillment of workers, however those prizes don't give work fulfillment; rather, they are viable in accomplishing short targets. Abraham Maslow is known for his pecking order of necessities hypothesis in brain research. The hypothesis helps discovers the different phases of human inspiration. Money related remuneration just fulfills the two fundamental wants of Maslows Hierarchy hypothesis which are physiological and wellbeing. Other three needs of workers, including adoration, regard, and self-completion, must be accomplished by a powerful remuneration and prize approach. Present day associations all through the United Arab Emirates have embraced this methodology in their association, so as to give pay to their workers (Abraham 2012). Job of Reward System Prizes are utilized by the administration so as to rouse their workers. There are two kinds of remunerations, first is Extrinsic and second is Intrinsic. The outward rewards incorporate compensation raise, reward and other money related prizes. The characteristic prizes incorporate non-money related remunerations, for example, open evaluation or self-esteem (Reddy 2016). It causes in persuading workers to perform better increment their effectiveness, so they can convey wanted outcomes. The organization can upgrade the profitability or fulfillment of their workers by giving them remunerations or prizes. A viable prize framework expands the reliability of representatives towards their association. The inborn prizes advantage representatives by upgrading their confidence. The commitment of representatives could be accomplished by receiving a successful pay strategy. The association maintenance or enlistment process relies vigorously upon their pay strategies. The prize framework ought to be reasonable towards all the laborers. An association ought to receive their remuneration plan in the wake of looking into their representatives prerequisites (Barhem, Younis 2010). UAE Compensation Policies The cutting edge association of the United Arab Emirates, utilize their pay arrangements to expand the profitability and effectiveness of their representatives. The goliath organizations, for example, GASCO, a gas organization from Abu Dhabi, have executed a particular prize framework for their representatives subsequent to inquiring about their necessities. The organization utilizes CAMS strategy to assess their representatives by asking them inquiries in regards to their activity, cases occurred at the working environment and their exhibition abilities, to make self-improvement plans for workers (Shatat, El-Baz Hariga 2010). Different techniques utilized by the cutting edge association incorporate pay dependent on the exhibition of laborers. Numerous organizations screen the advancement of their representatives and prize them for their accomplishments. The Emirates bunch direct a review on their laborers, toward the year's end, to think about the degree of employment fulfillment, quarries, and thoughts with respect to the occupations. The organization frames their remuneration plan dependent on their representatives prerequisites and wants. An advanced association concentrated on inherent prize ways to deal with inspire their representatives so as to accomplish in general development and occupation fulfillment. An exploration directed by Ahmed (2015), on the organizations of Malaysia and UAE demonstrated that the representatives of UAE associations incline toward inborn prizes, for example, power in the work environment, authentication or further preparing and instruction openings. Etisalat Company gives a few advantages to their representatives, for example, wellbeing, life, incidental and retirement protection. Different advantages incorporate decent variety programs, self-improvements, lawful help and free lunch or tidbits. The advantages increment the trust and fulfillment of the workers of Etisalat. These strategies help organizations in increasing an upper hand over its rivals too (Etisalat Employees Benefits and Perks 2017). End From the above report, it tends to be presumed that various present day association of the United Arab Emirates utilizes remuneration and prize approach to improve the profitability and fulfillment of their workers. The prize approach ought to be readied dependent on explicit prerequisite of the representatives. These frameworks help in companys development and give them an upper hand over its rivals. References Abraham, S. (2012). Improvement of representative commitment program based on worker fulfillment survey.Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance, and Marketing,4(1), 27. Ahmed, S. (2015). Representative Perceptions on Reward/Recognition and Motivating Factors: A Comparison among Malaysia and UAE. American Journal of Economics, 5(2), 200-207. Barhem, B., Younies, H., Younis, M. (2010). Representative fulfillment in the medicinal services segment: A near investigation of private and general social insurance associations in the UAE.Journal of Health Management,12(1), 19-38. Etisalat Employee Benefits and Perks. (2017).Glassdoor. Recovered 15 August 2017, from,8_IL.9,11_IN1.htm Reddy, C. (2016).Advantages and Disadvantages of Employee Benefits - WiseStep. [PDF file].WiseStep. Recovered on 15 August 2017, from points impediments worker benefits/ Shatat, An., El-Baz, H., Hariga, M. (2010, March). Representative desires: Perception of Generation-Y builds in the UAE. InEngineering Systems Management and Its Applications (ICESMA), 2010 Second International Conference on(pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Writing the Best Essay For Your Admissions Exams

Writing the Best Essay For Your Admissions ExamsUVA admission essays usually consist of four sections. These sections are the body, conclusion, analysis and argument. All these sections must be used in order to analyze the incoming student's performance on his paper.To start with, you should think about writing an application for the university. The guidelines to prepare an application may vary from one college to another. The most important rule to keep in mind is that you should prepare an application for admission to a high school or even a junior college.Before you try to write any college essay samples, you need to study your curriculum. What do they teach in your college? What is the minimum standard they require from you? How do they judge their candidates? These are just some of the questions that you need to ask yourself in order to write a good application.There are certain guidelines for every UVA admission essay samples. The first step would be to gather all the essay sam ples of applicants with the same subject. After this, you should compile your ideas into essays.Students with different writing styles are likely to use the same forms. A good idea would be to write a letter of introduction before the beginning of the essay. This will help you put together a starting point.Students can make use of various UVA admission essay samples. Some examples are common sense, case studies, interviews, individual letters and so on. All these tips should be taken into consideration when composing your own essay.In order to make the best use of your essay, you should also be able to arrange the admission essay samples into categories. Forexample, if you are not sure about a particular topic, you should write a letter of inquiry. In the same way, you can write a comprehensive letter to your faculty adviser, introduce the main idea behind your application, and state your top three reasons why you should get accepted.Keep in mind that each and every application that you send out should be tailored to suit the needs of UVA. All admissions essays contain different ideas and problems. Just remember to combine them into one cohesive theme.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Injust and Inhumane Transgender Discrimination Essay examples

Transgender people are no strangers to society: the concept of not feeling comfortable in ones birth-assigned gender has been around since man can remember. Its quite puzzling to see that many centuries later, people still treat transgender people of an alien-like nature, of some sort of non-human species. Transgender people have been discriminated for long enough. The discrimination sent towards them is wrong: theyre just humans who made changes to their lives for the better as all people have. Transgender people are regular people who do not deserve the amount of discrimination directed towards them as they get right now. â€Å"Transgender† is an umbrella term that includes gender non-conforming people, transsexuals (female-to-male and†¦show more content†¦Transgender people are discriminated on an almost daily basis. They are discriminated in the workplace, as shown in a study commisioned by the Equalities Review. In a group of transgender people who have jobs and are prone to workplace-enviroment effects and opinions, â€Å"many respondents experienced harassment from co-workers and employers.† Nearly 29% of the group experience verbal abuse and harassment in the workplace enviroment, and about 4% received physical abuse. About 7% experienced threats, and about 27% experienced some sort of different treatment due to their gender non-conforming ways.(Whittle 38-39). In another study, it was found that being mistreated in the school years would have a negative effect on future outcomes relating to employment. â€Å"Those who were physically attacked in school were considerably more likely to stay in a job (64%) compared to those who were not (42%) (Grant 50).† They are also discriminated in public as well, adding on to the distress that many transgender people suffer from regularly, making it seem as if all transgender people are crazy. Transgender people are just more likely to be diagnosed as someone with a mental disorder beca use its helpful to see that those who have been diagnosed are â€Å"hurting and something needs to be done to help (Kreitler 1).† In

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why A Business Market Is It s Name Value Or Their Customers

What is more important to companies is it their name value or their customers? This question is what is going to be answered and all your curiosity will be exchanged to support to one of the two sides. This week s reading consisted of two articles that have different views, but at the same time are written in two different centuries so it is understandable that their views are completely different, a lot of things change in the world of business. I will summarize both articles and then inform you on their main view and then answer the question myself on where a business market stands. I will start with summarizing the first article, this author of this article is named Levitt.T. and it is called â€Å"Marketing Myopia†. He starts with his main claim early in the article and this claim would be that for a company to grow then the company indeed depends on its customers. If a company is not growing then it is simply due to false management and the manager is at fault. Growth of a company also comes with two other factors that are not particularly as big as customers, those two factors are from population and competition. Due to the correlation that competition has with population they both go hand-in-hand. It also states that companies believe that customers / society is a dependent variable in which this is false because they argue that customers are independent variables and that the market follows the customers wants and needs and not vice-versa. This view for businesses hadShow MoreRelatedGlobal Marketing : Global Brand, Indian Brands, Product, Branding S trategies Essay1512 Words   |  7 Pagesthose of another. Brand Building process is a value addition technique which projects the image of the product, the company and the country at large. Branding is more powerful than it is normally perceived and those companies which realized this have capitalized by building a strong Global Brand. 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ASEAN Countries Adopt Currency for Strength - myassignmenthelp

Question: Should asean countries adopt common currency? Answer: A currency union is a state achieved when two countries come together and decide to adopt a common currency to keep the value and certain level of their currency. The main aim of the adoption of the currency union is the management and synchronization of the monetary policies of the countries (Hem, Subhash, Puneet, 2015). A currency union is also known as the monetary union. The states enter into different treaties with the aim of achieving the currency union. This means that the countries will have to share a common currency while transacting. In addition, the currency union may be limited in further integration according to the treaties which the countries are able to sign. Additional combinations of issues such as the single market for the countries may be adopted with the view of giving the currency union strength. In the past, currency unions have been adopted, and there are different challenges and pros which come with it. The main goals of these past currency unions have been to facilitate trade among the countries and strengthening of their economies. Moreover, the unifying factor of the currency union has been looked at. The main reason is that the common currency is able to unite the countries since they are operating from a common currency base. But the currency union is not as simple as it may sound (Albertin IMF Institute, 2008). History in the way euro has faced with the currency union should be a teacher in any countries who are thinking of the same move. The pioneers of the Euro, which is a common currency for the European nations had a great dream that the currency will overtake the US dollar and become a dominant reserve currency. But decades are passing, and troubles with the Euro are increase deeming the dream further. The Greek debt is affecting the Euro and meaning that the o ther countries in this treat are being affected as well. The debt issue is one of the key lessons which the monetary union for any countries should be able to learn. Monetary crisis in one of the members countries will be able to affect the progress of the other countries concerning their economic development and monetary factors. In addition, this slow down on some countries on eurozone has turned the heat on the political arena on the countries in these regions (Binner, 2011). The common currency in the eurozone is not uniting these countries. The main aim of the Euro was to create harmony and peace. Now some of the countries in the zone are viewing others with anger and distrust. They are blaming them for their economic problems and lack of progress. In addition, economic growth is the key goal of any country. The analysis on the growth achieved by the euro union is a critical indicator that the currency union is unlikely to solve the essential problems in the individual countries (Friberg, 2013). Nevertheless, the currency union will be able to drag the other countries prospering into the economic pit. The chart below shows an overview that countries with their national currency were able to enjoy more economic development averagely that the euro union countries. The development record is a key lesson which the ASEAN should be able to learn before adopting any currency union. Figure 1: comparison of development record in non-euro and euro countries The main problem which emerged for the euro is the difference in the countries development status. This factor makes some countries feel that they are being dragged behind and that they will be unable to achieve their economic goals. After this feeling, countries will try to break themselves out of the treaties. The economic underperformance was able to happen for the British government through the Brexit agenda. Bringing the economic development to the same level is a hard task and which cannot be achieved easily (Kablamaci Gozgor, 2016). These countries have different economies which they have grown over the year and dragging them down while elevating others will make them have a sneaky feeling in the treaties. Joining the countries into the common currency was not a hard task. It is clear that maintaining the union was one of the toughest tasks experienced. The achievement of the goals has remained a dream. The euro is a key warning sign of the ASEAN reforms concerning the currency integration. First, time is a key factor when it comes to the integration of the monetary policies. A consensus is key on different issues which are related to the countries interests and culture. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), is an intergovernmental agency, where the countries have no sovereignty sharing among themselves. There are some key advantages which countries can gain from the monetary integration and adopt a common currency for ASEAN; the countries will be able to attain the benefits (Ghosh Chakrabarti, 2016). Nevertheless, there are key challenges which must be addressed before the adoption of the monetary integration in any country. This is the case which needs to be carried out for the ASEAN countries. The ASEAN union will be able to enhance the stability of the economic status of the member countries as well as their political voices. In addition, the monetary integration will be able to lower the cost of transaction among the countries, reduction of the exchange rates risks and enhance the price stability among the nations (Aflouk, Mazier On, 2016). Moreover, any monetary union among them aims to make them a global player in different perspectives. And when the cards are plated well, this is a factor which is easily achieved by the member countries and is also a goal of having the monetary integration for the ASEAN. Nevertheless, there are challenges which are likely to affect the adoption of a common currency for the ASEAN countries. First, the ASEAN countries are at different levels of development. This from the eurozone has been a critical challenge which has led the countries in deep wars. The ASEAN countries have five key development categories among them, and these will serve as a key barrier to the adoption of the single currency. Singapore is at its level of development, while China and Brunei are following regarding economic growth. Malaysia Thailand, Philippines Indonesia are next to the next level, which is followed by Myanmar, and lastly, Cambodia, Laos and Timor Leste are in the lower end (Vu, Tuan Khai, 2016). The adoption of the common currency will give the monetary union the power to control the monetary policies for the entire zone. This means that the independent countries will be unable to make their separate decisions concerning the interest rates to enhance their business cycle. The major blow will happen to the upper developed countries, which will have the feeling that they are contributing a lot to the zone than the other countries. More importantly, these countries will be able to experience a slowdown in terms of their economic development than they have experienced in the last decade. The main reason is that they will have to pull up the other countries up and this will hinder the functionality of the common currency among the countries. More importantly, most of the countries in the ASEAN category are still in the development and underdeveloped stage regarding their economic grade. The rate of growth in the different countries is at different levels and adopting the common currency will hinder their paces. The differences in economic development have a significant impact on the way the countries will handle the issues to resolve the economic crisis from arising (Binner et al., 2011). The gap between the countries is likely to affect the adoption of such policies and having the eurozone in trouble, the countries in the upper hand will have to be careful when signing such treaties. In addition, external economic factors are likely to affect the functionality of the ASEAN countries once they sign such treaties. The states have for long reliant on natural resources. Although they are breaking the norm, the dependence on these sources has not been achieved. External economic shocks have happened before, and they have affected the countries with a standard base of economic growth. The effect of the changes in oil prices is a key indicator that nations with a common support of operation will be affected profoundly. Therefore using the euro as an example, it is clear that in the occurrence of any economic shock, these countries will be the most affected. Since the independent countries cannot resolve the issue a lot, the existence of such problems in one of the countries will drag all the countries in the same pit. The countries will have a closer look at the effect of this, and this will hinder any agreement on the common currency for the ASEAN. In addition, the difference in economic development status is brought about by the difference in the policies in the countries (Kabir Salim, 2016). The adoption of the common currency for these countries will affect their policies regarding development plans. The developed countries are likely to feel the pinch more, and since they have a lesson from the euro, the ASEAN monetary integration is unlikely to happen. In addition, the political arena is a key indicator in the development strategies. With all the backup of the governmental policies in euro, which has to be noted to be similar, the eurozone was able to fail (Mullineux, 2015). The ASEAN has difference in political systems, and this is likely to affect any economic agreements for the countries. The political voices are key in enhancing the development agendas for the unions, and the different systems are likely to affect any monetary contracts between the countries. The effect of the politics was lower in the eurozone, but the financial integration is failing. Now considering the ASEAN, who have different systems, and which are likely to take various stands, the adoption is next to impossible for this zone. More importantly, as seen earlier, the economic performance of the countries using common currencies is lower than those with independent currencies. The ASEAN zone has some of the rapidly growing countries in the world. Considering the effect of the common currencies o countries economic development is going to place a second thought on some of these countries. With the likes of China breaking in world greatest economies, they are most likely to oppose the idea of shared currency since it will affect their economies (Knowledge@Wharton, Knowledge@Wharton, 2016). This will be a great opposition from the developed and developing countries such as China and Singapore. With the great difference in the rate of development and the development status, some of the key countries and especially the ones in the upper end will oppose the monetary integration for this zone. Developed countries require the power and freedom to control several monetary factors within their states. The freedom is a crucial factor which is not easily achieved the moment the single currency is adopted since the monetary unions can control such developments (Asonuma et al., 2012). The likes of Singapore and China are enjoying their independent decisions in their financial services, and it will not be easy to let go and agree to adopt the standard currency for the zone. In conclusion, the eurozone is a great example for the ASEAN to learn from and get a way forward. The most decisions and experience from euro is that the standard currency for the ASEAN will not be able to function. The political status, the economic development record for the euro is key indicators which will place a barrier to the adoption of the monetary integration for the ASEAN. In addition, the different levels of development in the countries in the ASEAN will be a crucial barrier to the adoption of the common currency. Achieving a common ground, where all the countries will experience the development status will not be easy, and this creates an environment where some of the nations cannot agree to such a treaty. References Aflouk, N., Mazier, J., On, M. K. (January 01, 2016). Impact of Monetary Regime and Exchange Rates on ASEAN Economic Integration. Albertin, G., IMF Institute. (2008). Trade effects of currency unions: Do economic dissimilarities matter?. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund. Asonuma, T., Debrun, X., Masson, P. R., International Monetary Fund. (2012). Welfare effects of monetary integration: The Common Monetary Area and beyond. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. Binner, J. M. (2011). Do the ASEAN countries and Taiwan form a common currency area?. (Journal of international money and finance, 30, 7, 1429-1435.) Binner, J., Chen, S. H., Lai, K. H., Mullineux, A., Swofford, J. L. (January 01, 2011). Do the ASEAN countries and Taiwan form a common currency area?. Journal of International Money and Finance, 30, 7, 1429-1435. Friberg, R. (January 01, 2013). Common currency, common market?. Journal of the European Economic Association, 1, 650-661. Ghosh, I., Chakrabarti, S. (January 01, 2016). Inward and Outward Foreign Investments of the Asian Economies in Transition and India. Hem, C. B., Subhash, C. S., Puneet, V. (January 01, 2015). Monetary policy synchronization in the ASEAN-5 region: an exchange rate perspective. Applied Economics, 47, 1, 100-112. International Conference on "Dynamics of Regional Trade Agreements and WTO: Developing Countries' Perspectives", Ahmed, S., Ashraf, S., Jamia Millia Islamia (India). (2011). Regional and multilateral trade in Developing countries. New Delhi: Routledge. Kabir, S., Salim, R. (November 01, 2016). CAN A COMMON CURRENCY INDUCE INTRA-REGIONAL TRADE? THE SOUTHEAST ASIAN PERSPECTIVE. Review of Urban Regional Development Studies, 28, 3, 218-234. Kablamaci, B., Gozgor, G. (January 01, 2016). Economic Crisis and its Impact on Regionalism and Globalism. Knowledge@Wharton, ., Knowledge@Wharton, . (March 10, 2016). What Lessons Can ASEAN Learn from the EU?. Knowledge@wharton, 2016-3. Mullineux, A. (January 01, 2015). Implications of the Eurozone crisis for monetary unions in sub-Saharan Africa. African Finance Journal, 17, 1, 21-40. Vu, Tuan Khai. (2016). Examining the Possibility of Introducing a Common Currency for ASEAN ? An empirical analysis of symmetry of shocks.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

What Caused The Civil War Essay Example For Students

What Caused The Civil War Essay The South, which was known as the Confederate States of America, seceded from the North, which was also known as the Union, for many different reasons. The reason they wanted to succeed was because there was four decades of great sectional conflict between the two. Between the North and South there were deep economic, social, and political differences. The South wanted to become an independent nation. There were many reasons why the South wanted to succeed but the main reason had to do with the Norths view on slavery. All of this was basically a different interpretation of the United States Constitution on both sides. In the end all of these disagreements on both sides led to the Civil War, in which the North won. We will write a custom essay on What Caused The Civil War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There were a few reasons other then the slavery issue, that the South disagreed on and that persuaded them to succeed from the Union. Basically the North favored a loose interpretation of the United States Constitution. They wanted to grant the federal government increased powers. The South wanted to reserve all undefined powers to the individual states. The North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the Northern manufacturer. It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade its cotton for foreign goods. The North also wanted a good banking and currency system and federal subsidies for shipping and internal improvements. The South felt these were discriminatory and that they favored Northern commercial interests. Now the main reason for the Souths secession was the Slavery issue. Basically the South wanted and needed it and the North did not want it at all. The South was going to do anything they could to keep it. This was the issue that overshadowed all others. At this time the labor force in the South had about 4 million slaves. These slaves were very valuable to the slaveholding planter class. They were a huge investment to Southerners and if taken away, could mean massive losses to everyone. Slaves were used in the South as helpers in the fields in the cultivation of tobacco, rice, and indigo, as well as many other jobs. The South especially needed more slaves at this time because they were now growing more cotton then ever because of the invention of the cotton gin. Cotton production with slaves jumped from 178,000 bales in 1810 to over 3,841,000 bales in 1860. Within that time period of 50 years the number of slaves also rose from about 1,190,000 to over 4,000,000. The plantation owners in the South could not understand why the North wanted slavery abolished that bad. Southerners compared it with the wage-slave system of the North. They said that the slaves were better cared for then the free factory workers in the North. Southerners said that slaveowners provided shelter, food, care, and regulation for a race unable to compete in the modern world without proper training. Many Southern preachers proclaimed that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible. But after the American Revolution slavery really died it the North, just as it was becoming more popular in the South. By the time of 1804 seven of the northern most states had abolished slavery. During this time a surge of democratic reform swept the North and West. There were demands for political equality and economic and social advances. The Northerners goals were free public education, better salaries and working conditions for workers, rights for women, and better treatment for criminals. The South felt these views were not important. All of these views eventually led to an attack on the slavery sy stem in the South, and showed opposition to its spread into whatever new territories that were acquired. Northerners said that slavery revoked the human right of being a free person. Now with all these views the North set out on its quest for the complete abolition of slavery. .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d , .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .postImageUrl , .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d , .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d:hover , .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d:visited , .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d:active { border:0!important; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d:active , .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufbaf8c2deb4b88523385d32378e0ad0d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: An All-Inclusive Presence EssayWhen new territories became available in the West the South wanted to expand and use What Caused The Civil War Essay Example For Students What Caused The Civil War Essay The Civil WarOn paper the North was far stronger than the South. It had two and ahalf times as many people, and it possessed far more ships, miles ofrailroad, and manufacturing enterprises. Southerners, however, had theadvantage of fighting on home ground with better military leadership. ButUnion superiority in manpower was not so great as the gross figures suggest. Half a million people scattered from Dakota to California, could make nosubstantial contribution to Union strength. And every year Union regimentswere sent to the West to fight Indians. Hundreds of thousands of Americansin loyal border states and in southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois workedor fought for southern independence. Though, every state furnished men forthe other side, there was little doubt that more Federals than Confederatescrossed over.The South had superior officer personnel. For twenty years beforeLincolns inauguration, southern officers had dominated the U.S. Army. Another source of southern confidence was cotton. Secession leadersexpected to exchange that staple for the foreign manufactured goods theyneeded. We will write a custom essay on What Caused The Civil War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Souths most important advantage was that it had only to defendrelatively short interior lines against invaders who had to deal with longlines of communication and to attack a broad front. The Confederacy alsohad no need to divert fighting men to tasks such as garrisoning capturedcities and holding conquered territory. In a short war, numerical superiority would not have made much of adifference. As the war continued, however, numerical strength became apsychological as well as a physical weapon. During the closing years of theconflict, Union armies, massed at last against critical strongholds,suffered terrible casualties but seemed to grow stronger with every defeat. Any staggering Confederate losses sapped the southern will to fight. Everymaterial advantage of the North was magnified by the fact that the CivilWar lasted years instead of months. Money and credit, food production,transport, factories, clothing (boots)it took time to redirect theeconomy to the requirements of war, especially because these requirements,like the length of the war, were underestimated.