Monday, September 30, 2019

The Fool in King Lear

â€Å"The Fool both emphasises and relieves the tragedy of the play. † Discuss. The fool is a continual character in the workings of Shakespeare. The Fool is usually a cunning peasant that uses his intellect to outdo people of a higher social status. This is particularly the case in the play King Lear. Lear’s jester, the Fool, is indeed a very strange character. He uses crazy talk and merry songs to give Lear important advice. Not only is he important in the development of the plot but he’s important in the development of Lear’s character and also has an important role in the development of the mood in the play.The Fool is one of the wiser, if not the wisest, characters in the play and emphasises the tragedy in that his sharp and mocking double-talk and his constant stabs at Lear’s dignity add depth while at the same time entertaining. He somewhat narrates and activates the audiences awareness of important issues in the play. This is especially so a t the end of Act III scene ii when the fool addresses the audience. â€Å"This is a brave night to cool a courtezan. I'll speak a prophecy ere I go:†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He is the voice of reason throughout the play which is ironic because of his part as â€Å"the fool†.Furthermore, the king’s jester has an important part in the development of the king’s character. It seems as if the Fool's purpose is to make Lear see the world as it is and to help him laugh at his horrors. He basically acts and speaks as Lear’s conscience. When Lear is foolish, he bluntly points out the mistakes he has made and tries to help his king see the results of his actions. The fool can get away with pointing out the horrid truth because he is supposedly mad but that means that people don’t always listen to his advice where they should.However, Lear almost treats his jester like the son he never had and therefore somewhat prioritizes what he says, even if most of the time it is not what he wants to hear. Perhaps the fool of King Lear is different to other Shakespearean fools because he is not the average comic fool. Some of what the fool says is funny, but mostly he emphasizes the horror of the tragedy. It is humor that lets him go further in helping Lear than Kent or Cordelia without being banished.After Act III scene vi the fool disappears and doesn’t return to the stage again; the reason why this happens is debatable. Most agree that this is because he is no longer dramatically useful to Shakespeare but all agree that the fools absence seems to darken the mood of the play. Once the king has reached his absolute lowest there is nothing more his surrogate son can do for him. He no longer needs to be told the stupidity of his actions because Lear has finally learned to recognize the truth for himself.

Eating out Vs. Eating In Essay

Throughout the years the economy has changed drastically, putting us into a terrible recession. Gas prices have increased, taxes have increased, and many foolish, young girls are having babies that they cannot support, causing them to go on welfare, making hard working citizens such as you, and me pay for their needs. Food is an essential part of daily life. Why waste even more of my hard earned money by eating out, when I can easily save it, and be much healthier by eating in? I am on a tight budget, very family oriented, and conscious about my health, so eating at home, rather than going out is more beneficial because it’s healthier, cheaper, and more comfortable for me to be in my own environment. I don’t know about you, but to me, there is nothing better than a full wallet, a full belly, and being able to kick back, relax, and enjoy the comfort of my home. First off, eating at home is much healthier than eating out. Preparing food at home allows me to control the ingredients that I add to the meal, and I can be sure that the food and dishes are properly cleaned, since I did it myself. Being a huge germ-a-phoebe, I always wash my dishes in hot water, and use lots of soap. I find relief in knowing that only myself, and my family have used our utensils; no one else. Furthermore, I always make sure to thoroughly clean my food before I cook it, to ensure that it is not rotten, and all the bacteria is removed. I do this mostly with meats, lettuce, fruits, and vegetables. I am very conscious about my weight, and my health, so I eat in portions, grill instead of fry, and try to cut out as many carbs, sugars, and fats as I can. However, restaurants do not try to cut out any of those things. In fact, restaurant meals are often fried, and contain high sodium, oil, and fat, which can cause high cholesterol, and weight gain, making them very unhealthy. It also cuts down my options on their menu a great deal. I find it very important to eat healthy so I can keep my energy levels up, maintain a strong mind and body, and prevent myself from possibly developing any health issues in the future. Statistics show that 1 in 4 people a year, suffer from food poising caused by eating out. When I eat at a restaurant I always worry about who is touching my food, if their hands are clean, what they put in my food, or if the food is old, or cleaned properly. I also worry about the eating utensils, and if they are cleaned thoroughly. If they are not, I could be ingesting millions of germs and bacteria from a complete stranger who ate there before me. Restaurants are public places with many people inside; some of which could be ill. If I were to come in contact with them, I could easily catch their germs, and become ill as well. When I eat at home, prepare and clean my own food, and use utensils that I cleaned myself, I never have to worry about any of those health risks caused by eating out. Secondly, eating at home instead of at a restaurant enables me to cut down on my budget, and save more money. Usually, there is always food at my house. My mom always buys macaroni and cheese, soup, lunch meats, cereal, or hot pockets. Whenever I don’t have a taste for any of those things, or if there is none left, my mother and I take a five minute walk to our local Jewel-Osco, where they always have great deals. Just the other day, we bought a four pack of boneless chicken breasts, a pound of pasta, pesto sauce, mushrooms, garlic, lemons, and a 2-liter of soda, for a total of roughly $32 dollars. Restaurants, on the other hand, have to ensure on making enough money to buy more ingredients, pay their employees, pay bills, etc. , so food prices at restaurants are always higher than food I buy at the grocery store, and prepare myself. For example, when my family of four goes out to our favorite Italian restaurant, Giacomos’s, and we order the same exact meal my mother and I purchased at Jewel, it is $16 dollars a plate per person, plus $2 dollars per glass of soda, 25% of the bill as a tip for the waiter, and around $10 dollars in gas to drive there. That totals out to be around $100 dollars, meaning we save roughly $70 dollars just by eating in. A U. S. survey shows that a family can save around $2,000 dollars a year, just by eating at home. Last but not least, I am much more comfortable eating at home, rather than eating out at a restaurant for many reasons. A few years ago, I was with my friend, Sarah at Panera Bread, and a middle aged man came and sat down at a table right next to us, even though there was many empty tables further away. While I was eating, I started to tell Sarah a joke, and when I reached the punch line, we both burst out laughing, and so did the man. After that, he kept staring at me eat, while listening intently to more of our conversation. I felt very annoyed, uncomfortable, and I just wanted to leave. Sometimes restaurants are also very crowded, and noisy, and they have disgusting looking bathrooms that have toilet paper all over the floor, and they smell like rotting pee. Like I mentioned, I am a germ-a-phoebe, and I’m also claustrophobic, so it is very hard to find peace, and comfort in an environment like that. Furthermore, any time I go out to a restaurant, or in public, I always try to look my best just in case I run into a cute guy, or someone I know. This of course takes time. I have to put on makeup, do my hair, and try on a hundred different outfits until I am completely satisfied with how I look. Most of the time I’m satisfied with tight fighting clothing that squeezes my whole body, causing extreme discomfort. Yet when I eat at home, I don’t have to waste time doing any of those things. I can be a bum if I want to, and wear sweatpants. I don’t need to put on makeup, I can throw my hair up in a messy bun, and not have to worry about impressing anyone. Most importantly, I don’t have to stress out about it being too crowded or noisy in my home, since I only live with three other people. I can even sit on my couch, relax, and watch my favorite TV shows while I eat, all snuggled up, comfy, and stress free. More so, I can use my own clean, and fresh smelling bathroom without having to wait in line, or squat above the toilet seat. Can’t beat that. In conclusion, I prefer eating at home rather than eating out because it is healthier, cheaper, and much more comfortable. Not to mention much more sanitary also. I don’t have to worry about food poisoning, nosey strangers, being broke, getting ready, or being uncomfortable. Restaurants cook mainly fatty foods, charge way too much, and are usually crowded and noisy. After a long, hard day at work, I can’t wait to kick my shoes off, change into comfy PJ’s, eat a healthy dinner, and relax in my quiet, stress free house, saving time and money, while finding comfort in the privacy of my home, sweet home.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Lester B Pearson and the Suez Canal

Canada had many Prime Ministers, some very good and some not so good. Among these members of parliament, there was Lester Bowles Pearson. A Torontonian man who had made many important decisions in the Suez Canal Crisis. Lester B Pearson prevented another world war from occurring with the decisions he made during the Suez Canal Crisis. Pearson prevented the war from occurring by his overall personality, his achievements before the Suez Crisis, and him forming the United Nation Peacekeeping Force. His overall personality helped him mentally prepare for and keep him calm during the Suez Canal Crisis. Pearson had a deep personal reserve that people found difficult to penetrate (Bothwell). It would be hard to persuade him into doing something that he didn’t want to do, in this case anything that might cause a war. Pearson was the most gregarious of men, quick to lighten serious moments with self-deprecating humor and breaking frequently into an irresistible smile (Granatsien and Hillmer). When the Suez Crisis preparation got out of control, all Pearson did was tell a joke or even smile to change the moods of everyone. â€Å"Politics is the skill use of a blunt object. † In his quote Pearson says, to be a politician it takes skill. Pearson’s personality and skill helped him stay calm and relaxed upon making decisions during the Suez Canal Crisis, which in turn helped him think up of the United Nations Emergency Force. Pearson’s achievements before the Suez crisis helped him make decisions toward the Suez Crisis. He helped in stopping the Korean War (Bothwell). Pearson’s dislike of war is shown in the quote, â€Å"the grim fact is that we prepare for war like precautious giants, and for peace like retarded pygmies. † He served on a United Nation commission that helped draw up the plan to cease fire in the Korean War. This gave him experience in handling orld issues. Before he dealt with the UN organization he was involved with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO (Granatstien and Hillmer). Fearful of the soviet but still skeptical of the American, Pearson contributed patience, tolerance, flexibility, and a sense of preparation to the formation of the NATO (Granatstien and Hill mer). Pearson joined the army in 1915 and served in WWI (Waite. ) He says, â€Å"As a soldier, I survived World War I when most of my comrades did not. † Serving as a soldier taught him how horrible war is, and how if the Suez Canal Crisis turned into a war, man lives would be lost. All of these little problems helped Pearson prepare for the Suez Crisis. Lester B Pearson created the UNEF in 1956, which prevented another world war from occurring. When the Suez Crisis erupted Pearson knew something was going to happen. He immediately started to propose the idea of the UN Peacekeeping Force, UNEF (Antony). When he was going through all the preparation to make this force he says, â€Å"As for promotion of peace congresses we have had out meetings and assemblies, but the promotion through them of the determined and effective will to peace displaying itself in action and policy remains to be achieved. He wanted to convert British and French invading soldiers into peacekeepers at first but then decided to make the UNEF out of the volunteered Canadians. When the Suez Crisis was being debated in the Security Council, Pearson couldn’t do anything because Canada lacked a permanent seat (Antony). Since Canada lacked a seat in the debate, Pearson couldn’t add his input to the situation. He worked closely with all his parties across all division and put together a coalition of support over sleepless days and nights (Antony). In the early hours of November 4th, 1956 the General Assembly overwhelming, supports Pearson’s proposal for the world’s first peacekeeping force. Bowing to the international pressure and the arrival of UNEF, British and French forces complete their withdrawal from Egypt by the end of 1956. Pearson is praised at the UN for his brilliant his brilliant efforts but he is condemned by some at home for betraying the motherland. Even though he was condemned and he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October 1957. His overall personality and skill, his achievements before the Suez Canal Crisis, and the creation of the United Nation Peacekeeping Force were only three of many reasons that helped Lester B Pearson prevent another world war from occurring during the Suez Canal Crisis. The world today would have been different if the Suez Crisis had started a world war, if what happened in World War II where the atomic bombs were dropped in Japan was to of happened because of the Suez Canal Crisis there would be many different effects on the life that is being lived today.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assess the Components of Cash Flow Statements Research Paper

Assess the Components of Cash Flow Statements - Research Paper Example The implementation of any non cash undergoes changes. 2. There are two methods of preparing a cash flow statement namely;- direct method and indirect method. Direct method uses real cash flow data from the organization’s operations. It presents major classes of gross cash receipts and payments. It is typically used by small firms. While preparing a cash flow using the direct technique, items such as amortization of insubstantial assets, preliminary expenditures, depreciation, and debenture discount are disregarded from the cash flow statement given that the direct method is inclusive of non-cash and cash transactions. Indirect method derives the data from the income statement and from changes on the balance sheet from one period to the next. The income statement and the balance sheet are based on the accrual accounting. It is a partial communication of accumulation basis gains to cash basis gains. 3. Different components of the cash flow statement employ indirect method. For instance we arrive at net cash flow from operating activities indirectly by starting with reported net income and working backwards to convert that amount to a cash basis. Depreciation expense does not reduce cash, but it is subtracted in the income statement. In the indirect method, positive adjustments to net income are made for decreases in related assets and increases in related liabilities, while negative adjustments are made for increases in those assets and decreases in those liabilities (Brahmasrene et al, 2004). The next section of the Statement of Cash Flows is Cash Flows from Investing Activities. Usually, this part comprises of any long-term savings the business makes plus any investment in fixed assets, such as plant and equipment. The last section of the cash flow statement is Cash Flows from Financing Activities (Dechow, 1994). Here, you have to finance your firm with long-term bank loans that have an increase and this is prepared using long terms. If you unite the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to get fired Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to get fired - Essay Example As you’re being shown the ropes, be sure to pull out that bottle of whisky or vodka and flash it around amicably – drink to everyone’s health and inform them all sweetly about how you need your daily tipple to really get going. Ask a lot of silly questions, the kind that even a ten year old would be ashamed to ask. The objective here is to demonstrate your utter lack of competence for the job you’ve been hired for, so plant those seeds of doubt liberally in your supervisor’s mind. And thirdly, be sure to leave early. Tell them you have a hot date, or yawn loudly and say you’re too bored to hang around any longer and leave. What? Still not fired? Well, don’t lose hope, lots of options are still open. Remember those tools I mentioned? Let’s take the last one first – blogsphere. Be sure to enter blogsphere with lots of ultra specific details on your personal blog about your Company. This is the place to mention anything and everything you don’t like about your boss and if the details you furnish are good enough to identify him or her, so much the better, especially if it’s a place your boss visits too. Waste lots of company time on your personal blog and let your work pile up. The chances of getting fired are directly proportional to the lack of discipline you display. Now let’s say your boss is a patient person and prepared to give you a chance. So you get a warning – but that’s it. Then it’s time to pull out the second tool – lies. The aim of the mission is to antagonize the boss by proving exactly how untrustworthy you are. Make personal calls from your office phone, gossip for hours with your friends or co-workers and then lie blatantly when the boss questions you – say that you were engaged in company business. If he or she tries to be pleasant to you and cracks a few jokes, do not laugh at any of them even if your funny bone is

Online Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Online Communication - Essay Example 207-212). Online communication has become the major and most significant advancement in human communication after the development of printing press. Communication through Short Messaging Service (SMS) Communication through mobile phone text messages is the most slang and commonly used online communication protocol. Since only 160 characters are allowed in a single SMS, application of brief letters and lesser number of words are used to overcome time and space constraints. The main aim is to ease the communication as much as possible. No doubt, SMS has been enhancing communication and global business in general terms but on the other hand, it has been harmful for language proficiency of the learners. Learners mix up the SMS language with the Standard English language committing numerous errors like that of grammar, punctuation etc. Impact of SMS Language on English Language and Education The influence of SMS language on learner’s language proficiency and especially in official work like assignments, reports, has been widely noticed. The use of SMS language has influenced badly on the performance of students, since they are not observing the grammatical rules of English language. It has influenced the educational field largely as people have now become habitual of using short forms even in official notifications, circulars, etc. Educators use short forms as they find it convenient in usage, and the language used in acceptable as well. There are numerous examples of such official notifications, such as: Notification: To all members, there is an emergency meeting to be held at the Conference Hall between 9.15 to 11. See you There!! B on time. The educators should try to eliminate slang and short form of SMS language from official work, and try promoting the actual English language as much as possible. Communication through Social Networking Sites The last 20 years or so have brought significant modification in communication. The ‘response time’ has dropped significantly and communication has become shorter as well as regular (Warschauer, 2001, pp. 207-212). Moreover, instant messaging is yet another interaction tool where style of interaction is more conversational and length of messages is shorter. Broadcast technologies, such as Twitter, have changed communication to news, by letting users post short messages about what are they doing or experiencing; these posts can be related to anything including enjoyment, academics, work life, and / or social activities. It is often regarded as the cousin of instant messaging; a tool for social networking, learning activities, and showing creativity, which is not being used to its maximum potential Anon., 2007). Pear Analytics - an American market research company - reported that around 40 % of posts on Twitter are nothing but â€Å"pointless babble† (Anon., 2007). Even though the results provided by this report are supported in individual judgments of people, it sheds light on the usage of Twitter. Not only Twitter but also all social media sites must be seen as revolutionary not vague in their design, but also in their re design as there is no rules or limits on how you want to use it. Clive Thompson (2007, pp. 7) has classified this phenomenon as â€Å"social proprioception. It explains where the nodes of our community are and provides a sense of connectedness to and awareness of others without direct

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Islam's Cultural Unity and Political Diversity Essay

Islam's Cultural Unity and Political Diversity - Essay Example Contrary to the verse’s context that only God, His angels and specific personalities on whom the knowledge of God’s divinity, power, and wisdom has been bestowed should be witnesses to this message, there have emerged communities of false teachers who mislead the faithful on the knowledge about God. One of the reasons for their false teachings could be lack of divine conviction to testify God’s words, in truth, and from revelations. The verse is also significant and relevant to our time that has many cults. The cults offer contrary teachings to the verse’s provisions and may mislead people and convert them to wrong faiths. Creating awareness of the verse will however strengthen people’s faith against the cult’s teachings. Contemporary problems that face people in trials and tribulations may also weaken a person’s faith and lead to doubts that God is not as powerful as He is thought to be. The verse, within this context, encourages peop le that God remains to be the only god, and he is still powerful regardless of what people experience in the contemporary world (Indstate 1). Indstate. â€Å"Twenty selected sets of verses from the Quran.† Indiana State University. N.d. Web. February 14, 2012.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparing Different Linux Vendors Research Paper

Comparing Different Linux Vendors - Research Paper Example It is based on Unix. Linux was developed in collaboration with many different companies, thus, all these companies are responsible for its development. The development and research costs are shared amongst the partners and other competitors. As many companies are involved, there is lot of innovation in this operating system. Here we will discuss three major distributors of Linux, namely: Ubuntu, Fedora and Linux Mint. It is also important to understand their advantages and disadvantages in servers and workstations. Ubuntu Server and Workstations – Installation of Ubuntu is easy which is beneficial for business. Its foundations are built on the bases of Debian. This server is fast and delivers high performance, which makes it highly reliable. It is composed of many new server based applications like â€Å"LAMP, file server, firewall and thin client support† â€Å"With LAMP it is easy to setup a web server, database applications and dynamics websites.† â€Å"It in cludes the use of thin clients using LTSP (linux terminal server project). Thus saving the cost on expensive hardware to keep up to date with the ever growing pc demands† (Ubuntu Server, 1998, para.4). Ubuntu is free. Strong firewalls prevent the server from any attacks, thus making it secure. It provides high security. It has a â€Å"bunch of applications like Open Office, alternative to Microsoft Office, web browsers, email clients, games, audio & movie players, image editors and many more† (Ubuntu Workstation, 1998, para.2). Applications can be downloaded free of cost. It is stable and there are rarely any errors or system crashes. It is a secure operating system as there are no viruses or any other applications that could harm the computer. Ubuntu is not easy to use. It has an online community, which offers support and provides updates for the improvement of the system. Updates of Ubuntu are available every six months. Ubuntu’s approach towards new technologi es is conservative, unlike Fedora, which rather supports new technologies. Ubuntu is found to have hardware complaints, which makes it less stable than Fedora. It requires a reasonable space to work efficiently as it is large. Fedora Server and Workstations – Fedora is an open source and, therefore, it can be downloaded, installed and shared for free. It has a wide range of free applications available. Free from virus, thus, no hassles with antivirus software and spywares. A powerful operating system, which is both efficient and secure. Consists of new features making it more flexible and stable. It is reliable as any kind of hardware failures are efficiently handled without affecting the entire operating system. Help docs are provided and there are communities that provide assistance when needed. Updates are released twice in a year, so no long wait is required to achieve latest software. Frequent updates are also a drawback as it makes it look less stable. It may be a good choice but a new user may find it hard to use. â€Å"Ruby,Python,Database Server: MySQL 5.0.67,Mail Server: Postfix ,DNS Server: BIND9 (chrooted) ,FTP Server: proftpd,POP3/IMAP server: Dovecot,Webalizer for web site† (Timme, 2012, para.2). If some issue arises, the user has to resort to the command line in order to complete the task In case of software updates with two packages, it is difficult to trace the unwanted package. There is a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is it Necessary to Conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Essay

Is it Necessary to Conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Health Care - Essay Example FMEA was first used by the United States Army in the 1940s and later on adopted by large industrial concerns which still maintain formal FMEA standards. With the advances in information technology and software it has assumed great significance and is a very accurate approach to streamline the functioning of an organization or process. The FMEA involves a dynamic methodology in which changes and updates are made to the concerned product or process visualizing any new failure modes brought about by events or changes in the organization, product or process. The process itself involves defined steps in a sequential manner in which initially the product or process and its function are described. This is followed by the preparation of a block diagram which shows the different components of the process or product in a logical relationship. After this an FMEA form worksheet is prepared and vital aspects put under specific headings. Logical listing is done followed by identifying failure modes. Effects of the failure modes are described and a numerical ranking obtained for the severity of a particular effect. Causes for failure modes are then identified and documented. Appropriate interventions are then planned by assigning risk priority keeping into consideration the probability of detection. Finally recommended actions are suggested and actions take analyzed. The risks involved in healthcare organizations are of such diversity and so unpredictable that it becomes impossible to enumerate them beforehand. Still FMEA is finding increasing use in the healthcare industry. In order to improve patient safety appropriate changes are required in health care systems. In the health care version of FMEA the assessments of severity, likelihood, and detectibility are accomplished by employing a decision flowchart instead of a ranked points scale. The flowchart determines if action is required or if existing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

In present time Essay Example for Free

In present time Essay In present time, women have obtained more freedom to express their thoughts  and more privileges to achieve their goals. Their social status had a qualitative leap in the United States compare with the last couple of centuries; this subversion will continue lead women to enter a world which their talent and ability can be completely recognized. Different from today’s value, women who lived in previous centuries do not have the rights to do things the way they prefer. Social morality and family obligation force them to obey others and renounce independent. This inveterate principle stifled generations of women and their freedom. Both works include The Revolt of â€Å"Mother† and A New England Nun by Mary Wilkins Freeman showcased that in order for a woman to regain the pleasures in her life, she has to be intrepid and determined under certain social pressure. By descripting both characters Louisa and Sarah’s detailed inner world such as their characteristics and other social aspects such as other’s judgments, Mary Freeman provided the reader with vivid sense of equality that led the society into deep consideration and introspection of why feminism is necessary. Bothworksservedasimilarpurpose,tospreadtheconceptoffeminism,but with different approaches due to different social status of both characters in The Revolt of â€Å"Mother† and A New England Nun. Mary Freeman’s Puritan way of living had a huge impact on how she considers the world differently. In The Revolt of â€Å"Mother†, Mary Freeman portrayed a married woman, Sarah Peen, who has been serving for the 1 Sun family for forty years without any complain, had an emotional outburst about the new farm that her husband was building. Her husband, Adoniram, promised Sarah that he would build her a house when they are financially improved. Instead of building her the dream house, he planed to build another farm without informing her. She then decided to move into the new barn to live when her husband had gone out. (Freeman) In Freeman’s other work, A New England Nun, she depicted Louisa Ellis, a woman who waited for her fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s returning from Australia for fifteen years, had decided to end the relationship with him after she hears that he has no love to her. (Freeman) This may be an excuse for her to escape from the relationship that will eventually force her to ingratiate others and put her own needs second. However, Louisa made up her own mind and went the way she preferred. By observing the behaviors of these two characters, it is certain that both of them have their own belief and rule of life that is beyond reach. Sarah Peen wants changes in her life, changes that can overturn her current life. As the story begins, Sarah provides service for her family everyday hoping to move into a new house like her husband promised her to. (Freeman 666) Moreover, She is a woman with ideas and goals. Freeman writes, â€Å" ‘There ain’t no use talkin’, Mr. Hersey,’ says she. ‘ I’ve thought it all over an’ over, an’ I believe I’m doin’ what’s right. I’ve made it the subject of prayer, an’ it’s betwixt me an’ the Lord an’ Adoniram. There ain’t no call for nobody else to worry about it.’† (670) This is what Sarah replied to the minister when he came to convince Sarah not to disobey her husband. After 2 Sun forty years of waiting, Sarah decides that she is strong enough to take a stand for the change. She is surprisingly independent and rebellious. Her rebellion does not only exist for against her husband, but also for against the social role that she is suppose to play as a submissive wife. Even though she accepts her responsibilities as a wife and a mother, her determination and resistance to the power of tradition was never stifled. As a wife whose husband often ignores, she opposes her husband’s male dominance over hers and remains integrity, courage, and privation overall. However, Louisa Ellis from A New England Nun had an opposite lifestyle with Sarah has but the same perception of individualism. LouisaEllis,unlikeSarah,isafraidofchangesandunknowns,butshestill forwards her life regarding what others would think. Her engagement with Joe Dagget is full of uncertain. Freeman did not deliver Louisa’s remorse of engagement directly. Instead, she implied some details to inform her readers that Louisa is satisfied with her own life by enlarging her trivial acts such as using china. Freeman writes, â€Å"Louisa used china everyday – something which none of her neighbors did. They whispered about it among themselves.† (654) This indicates that Louisa lives her own quiet life and enjoys her own pleasure. All of sudden, Joe Dagget shattered Louisa’s peace, the peace that only belongs to her. Freeman writes, â€Å"He remained about an hour longer, then rose to take leave. Going out, he stumbled over a rug, and trying to recover himself, hit Louisa’s work-basket on the table, and knocked it on the floor.† (654) All his acts reminded Louisa that she has to put herself at second after their marriage and 3 Sun renounce her independent. She then realized that she wants to be who she is, not to be a wife of a man who she has less love with. She is mainly descripted as a dainty and methodical woman; she pays most of her attention to details and perfections. Therefore, after she overheard that Joe has no love to her either, she quickly made her decision that she is not going to marry Joe because she desires for remaining alone. (Freeman 661) Even though both Sarah and Louisa have similar lives, they have different characteristics. Both women have comparable lives. Louisa and Sarah both reside at rural area where men do most of the working, and women do most of the housework. (Freeman 654, 662) This is one of the reasons why both characters chose to make astonishing decisions of their own. Initially, they must identify themselves, and then make decisions regarding tradition that has been persisted for centuries. Both women are also conflicted with men in a relationship that lasted a long period of time. Louisa waited her fiancà © for fifteen years while Sarah waited forty years to move forward of her life. Eventually, they both have achieved their goals and won the victories. However, in A New England Nun, the social influence is less conscious. There is less portrayal of judgments made by other members in the society. Instead, Freeman inserted implicit approach such as Louisa’s pet, Caesar, to display how the community would tie her up in a promise of engagement. (Freeman658) Different from Louisa, the community that Sarah lived in for forty years does not allow her to determine her own life. Her husband and son ignore her by not answering her questions; the minister 4 Sun came to her house to criticize her â€Å"inappropriate† conduct; people in her community also talks about her rebellion against her husband. Freeman displayed how they treat Sarah like a woman who should not have equal rights and dignity with a straightforward picture. Consequently, the two characters Sarah Peen and Louisa Ellis in both Freeman’s work The Revolt of â€Å"Mother and A New England Nun overcame dilemmas effectively. Both stories are relevant to the concept of feminism, which is equal justice between both sexes. The endings are similar: Sarah moved to the new barn while Louisa lived her own stilled life. Their encounters influenced and united generations of women to go forward together and break rules and instructions in order to live in freedom. Works Cited Freeman, Mary. A New England Nun. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Gen. ed. Nina Baym. 8th ed. Vol. C. New York: Norton, 2013. 653-661. Print Freeman, Mary. The Revolt of â€Å"Mother†. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Gen. ed. Nina Baym. 8th ed. Vol. C. New York: Norton, 2013. 662- 672. Print 5

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Decline Of America As A Superpower Politics Essay

The Decline Of America As A Superpower Politics Essay So what makes the United States so powerful? An even more intriguing question is how long will it hegemonic status last? These questions have been highly contested in the Political Science and International Relations field. History has given us insight as to why other hegemonies such as Rome and Britain collapsed, but it is important to make a distinction between history and Political Science, yes history lends a helping hand but it does not dictate what will happen in the future. The theories and arguments presented in this paper will represent the varying views of United States as a superpower. With the rise of China and India and the world which is seems to be shifting toward a more multipolar distribution of power it seems as if the United States is coming to an end within the next 20 years. However India and China face major internal problems such as ethnic division and political corruption that is prohibiting it from fully blossoming into a superpower. Therefore I argue that th e United States will remain the superpower, but not only will the U.S. have to adopt new policies but also be willingly to accept the fact that it power will be essentially less powerful. Fareed Zakarias article The Future of the American power: How can America Survive the rise of the rest: draws stark comparisons between Britain when it was the dominant force in the world and the U.S. One of the comparisons is the Boer war and the Iraq war.  [1]  There were 45,000 casualties, a loss of a half a billion pounds, and stretched its military beyond its capacity. The image of Britain was now looked at in a negative light. However, Britain contributed to its rapid decline by inefficient governance and corruption in war its war tactics  [2]  . Zakaria contest that however that Britains fall from grace was not because of poor politics but because of bad economics. He provides an example of how Britain failed to make efforts that will facilitate growth in the future; while Britain was concentrating on producing bicycles the United States was producing 12 times as many cars  [3]  . Zakaria also points to the fact Britain chose to submit to rising power which was the United States at the time also contributed to its place as were it now as second tier the U.S. The act of submission is significant to the future to relationships in a world is becoming more and more globalized. It has been illustrated in American foreign policy that the U.S. is reluctant to submit to any type of concession in regards to foreign policy. At the 2010 Nuclear Summit the president Barack Obama emphasized that the United States is the leader in foreign policy when it comes to combating terrorism around the world and that the actions taken by the U.S. is for the betterment of the world. What is interesting about this statement is prior to the summit president Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signed the START treaty. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was symbol of a new start in U.S. Russians relations which had hit an all time low during the Bush administration. More importantly this act signals how the United States are conceding a one aspect that is paramount to its status as the Hegemonic power in the world, its nuclear weapons. Granted that once these weapons are destroyed both the United States and Russia have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the rest of the world this several times over; it was perhaps a symbol of rare cooperation between two countries who are very powerful in their own aspects, to benefit both of them especially image wise. President Dmitry Medvedevs foreign policy is encompasses what some scholars predict will become more prominent in the international area, which is nationalism. International Law and the world are becoming multipolar.  [4]  The United States relationship with its most important international institution, NATO is becoming more and more contentious; differing opinions on the war on Afghanistan, the existence of U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe and its lukewarm relationship with Moscow are causing concern for the United States  [5]  . If NATO cannot come to an agreement with the its mission in Afghanistan, frankly, the U.S. war filled with many problems; a lack of trust between the U.S. and president Karzi, Afghanistans seemingly slow response to the U.S. push towards democratization, and hundreds and thousands of Afghani casualties. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has made a recent trip to Estonia to me with NATO to help mend difference  [6]  . If differences with NATO mater ialize into deeper disagreement the United States could suffer a severe blow to its influence. It has been in illustrated in the past how the United States uses its influence in foreign policy to dictate and shape foreign policy that will lessen the threat against them and affords them the opportunity to control aspects of new military development with its allies and enemies  [7]  . This has been the stance of American foreign policy, an example is when Europe attempted to form its military independent of U.S. influence this of course was met with extreme criticism and backlash from the United States, this prevention of a military influence has been a policy carried by both republican and democratic administration starting with Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II  [8]  . It is unclear as to whether or not president Obama will continue this policy as staunchly as the previous presidents. Foreign policy is not the only potential problem that the United States Fareed Zakaria argues that before the American Dream there was the British way of life  [9]  . His point being that the American dream is just as susceptible to becoming a part of history just as the British way of life has become a piece in history. However this is not necessarily true the same article American culture is constantly being perpetuated in the media around the world and English is the most common universal language, American music, movies, and movies stars are the most recognized in the world. The United States remains the most attractive place for foreign exchange students with 30% approximately each year  [10]  . Soft power can be the key to keeping America as a hegemonic power and the U.S. recognizes that. President Barack Obama has emphasized the importance of education he has pushed to make college affordable for every American child. It is no secret the United States struggles with an inequality gap in regards to education. It is often echoed that American students are falling behind in math and science but if examined a little closer this is only somewhat true: those numbers represent the schools that do not have the resources which is a small problem now but if not fixed the third of the population that this statistic reflects will not be able to contribute to the economy and therefore will worsen the already strained economy  [11]  . He has also stressed the importance of community colleges giving those students who for whatever reason could not attend a four year university right away a chance to utilize their education in a positive way. In comparison to its two adversaries China and India, the United States schools surpasses their educational system. The quality of educati on in those countries is weak when compared to the United States. An example was given that resonates and attest to this point specifically with China. China teaches its students to test while the United States teaches its students to think critically. Leaders from emerging countries recognize that being able to think critically which have inspired visits from government officials to schools. Financially the United States invests more in education than Europe: the United States invest 2.6%, Europe invest 1.2%, and Japan investing 1.1%  [12]  . America leads in nanotechnology and biotechnology two subject fields which inspire innovation and investment. What fosters nanotechnology and biotechnology to grow is engineering. Statics show that China and India are producing more engineers than the United States. According to the numbers the China produces 600,000 and India produces 300,000. However when analyzed more closely the engineers that are come out of these countries are taught to resolve or create simple task  [13]  . The United States universities has the luxury of giving incentives to people who choose to major in engineering especially minorities because of this there has been more encouragement to youth to take on those fields, the agenda being to keep Americas competitive edge. President Barack Obama has already increased the NASA budget by $6 billion pledging to conduct advance research in space, new missions to Mars, and increase earth based observation to get a better study of the earths environment  [14]  . What the United States is doing is building on Human capital. It is obvious that through because of the current economic crisis the United States realizes that investing in health, education, and innovation is a way to keep the country ahead of any type of competition that could be seen as a plausible threat in the near future. What gives America the advantage is that it has the capacity to invest in Human capital. As opposed to China as mentioned where there is large disparity between the rural community and the urban community and India where illiteracy rates are staggering especially among women and men. In addition Europe will be facing its own Human capital problem: because of its aging population less and less people are going to be able to work and it will become more costly to take of them. In contrast the United States is expected to see an increase in population the U.S. population is expected to increase by 65 million people in 2030  [15]  , and given the current effor ts by the U.S. they will more technology sound, even more educated, and healthier than previous generations, which can only enhance the United States as leading force in the world. It is important to recognize however the United States is facing tremendous problems. While the U.S. has tried to build a hierarchy with foreign its foreign allies with it obviously being at the top of the latter  [16]  , keeping the United States as the leader in foreign relations: it seems as if other states are becoming stronger in various ways and are pursuing their interest more so than collectivity. Proponents of the U.S. primacy believe that other states will comply with the United States because their involvement in world affairs is looked at to be in good cause for the country  [17]  . The war in Iraq, its relationship with Israel, its politics in Latin America, and the image of Washington D.C. all contribute to uneasiness in with foreign countries. A recent study shows that U.S. popularity is increased since Obama came to office. Cynicism about Americas image a been a road block to American power, but a study done by the BBC published on April 18th shows that global views of the U.S. has improved over the last year, while other countries have declined  [18]  . Part if this report shows that the U.S. has overtaken China with respect to favorably. So what does this mean for the U.S.? When countries feel threaten or insecure about a relationship with a fellow state, economic and policy agreements become more contentious and the government becomes less trust worthy, which in effect will cause restraint among projects or trade relations that will hurt both parties. If the U.S. continues to appear to less aggressive in its image there is a possibility that other countries will follow. However America will have to deal with countries that are forming democracies that are not molded after Westernize democracy. This can further complicate how America pushes for Human rights, international law, and foreign policy because its influence has been diminished as other states are becoming more influential. The world is showing that there a struggle between American ideology and shift to multipolarity. However if there is a possibility that America can still keep its status but the United States has to accept the fact that the financial crisis will have a lasting impact on its future: power is money and provides leverage, seeing that this is in jeopardy the United States will have become more cooperative with emerging states. What the U.S. has in its favor is it improving image, its leading education, and its military power that surpasses any country in the world. The U.S. has a long way to go from failing from grace, it needs to utilize its soft power, continue to build its allies, and finally continue strengthen its military. Although it will be less powerful it will still the hegemonic power of the world.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Literature Review on Mobile Banking

Literature Review on Mobile Banking Mobile banking is defined as a provision and availment of mobile and bank services by using telecommunication device, the services may include keep in contact with bank to administer account and access customized information (Tiwari and Bus, 2007) Mobile banking is a channel through which a customer can interact with bank through device such as mobile and PDA ( Tommi Laukkanen, Suvi Sinkkonen, Marke Kivijà ¤rvi, Pekka Laukkanen, 2007). Mobile banking is seen as an extension to the payment system of bank which enables mobile network to extend its services in reach of customer (Gavin Troy Krugel, 2007) Mobile banking help customer to access their banks anytime. Through mobile banking application customer can check their account details, transfer money transitions, and can pay their bills while sitting at home and offices. (Infogile Technologies, August 2007) The continuous development and usage of mobile make people to become in habit for it and this force companies to come up with new mobile services. Some studies shows that the transaction through mobile is more secure than a connection through internet on pc. But some studies go against it and showed the security a major challenge for mobile banking (Tommi Laukkanen, Suvi Sinkkonen, Marke Kivijà ¤rvi Pekka Laukkanen, 2007). Some factors which nourished the mobile banking and due to which the need of mobile banking is felt are the economic development (globalization is leading to mobility), high density of mobile devices, powerful devices, high data transfer, attitude of new generation towards the use of mobile banking the need and wish for mobility is increased. Features of mobile banking includes its available anywhere, anytime, instant connectivity, pro active functionality (push and pull technology), easy access (simple authentication) ( Tiwari and Bus, 2008). Mobile banking can provide location based services as compared to banks. Mobile banking is more secure than internet, it not only provide traditional bank services but also 3A services (anywhere, anytime and anyhow).As mobile banking is more convenient, effective and efficient which help to attract more customer (Jin, Nie, Xianling, Hu, 2008) Banking services, delivered by means of mobile phone Informational services: report on any type of transactions to mobile phone Payment services, based on mobile phone Mobile banking can be based on different technologies SMS, WAP, GPRS/Edge/3G(Eddy Cormon,2009) The difference between internet banking (e-banking) and mobile banking (m-banking) is that through internet bank account information is access by pc or off the mobile and through mobile banking account information is accessed by its two channels either via SMS or browser and by using mobile banking in advance era a customer get SMS alert of changes in account (Bankable Frontier Associates, 2008). Mobile banking is area in which the development can flourish and can lead to replace credit/debit card. In past 2 to 3 years mobile banking advance itself to the extent that it increase three times if we go on comparison with debit/credit cards banking (Mahesh .K. harma , Ritvik Dubey, 2009) Mobile Banking: Use of mobile device to connect to a financial institution to conduct customer self-service (CCS) includes viewing account balance, transferring funds between the accounts, paying bills or receiving accounting alerts. Mobile Payments: Use of a mobile device to make a purchase or other pay ment-related transaction. Payments initiated in physical or virtual worlds, and can be conducted via SMS, MMS, mobile Internet, downloadable application, and NFC chips.(Breffni McGuire and Marianne Crowe, 2008 ) From the last ten years technology has been evolving itself by inclusion or replacement of other technologies coming through as the day pass. This technology development has a great impact on banking industry. On the other hand the services of banking is also go through many changes starting from early eighties when telephone banking and computer banking took a lead and moved towards ATM and internet banking applications. As the electronic banking was on its peak along with it change bring in mobile technologies as well including SMS, WAP, 3G and 4G technologies (Tommi Laukkanen, Suvi Sinkkonen, Marke Kivijà ¤rvi Pekka Laukkanen, 2007). The population of Pakistan is exceed to 170 million but unfortunately there are approximately 16 million bank accounts and left behind 110 million people are without access to banks. The main focus of mobile banking is rural area, where people have 2500 branches of banks for 105 million people and 42000 subscribers per branch, Whereas mobile phone users are reached to 97 million. So that Pakistan was a good market for Mobile Banking begning. (CGAP, February 2010) In Pakistan mobile banking is emerged and famous by the name of branchless banking. After the struggle of five years from 2005 to 2010 now Pakistan is able to make their people dreams come true and mobile banking is now on its success way. Back to march 2007 first time the policy and regulatory paper was issued by SBP on a base of branchless banking (which can provide the financial services to the people who are underserved or unbanked). (CGAP, February 2010) Financial institutions were reluctant to make such huge and risky initial investment. SBP insist on implementation of mobile banking and advice Financial Institution and Banks to process the work flow of mobile banking otherwise the that would be permitted to the MNOs (Mobile Network Operators) to start their own. SBP take step with Ministry of information technology (MOIT) and Tameer bank. In 2009, Telenor has launched easypaisa( First Mobile banking Platform) with the help of Tameer Bank (A microfinance bank mostly owned by Telenor). In 2010 MCB, UBL and Allied Bank has implemented the mobile banking and making it more profitable for banks and customers as well. (CGAP, February 2010) Benefits to Customer: Customer can access his/her account by sitting at home. he/she dont need to at the counter of bank and answer the various questions of officers. Mobile banking is time saving. Mobile banking keep informing customers about his/her bank account all the time anywhere. Utility payments can be done through M-payment customers donot need to get in line and wait for his/her turn ( Uppal, 6 jan 2010). Benefits to Bank: By reduction of transaction cost, banks can save big money as Government gain is Rs.12 or Rs.13out of every 100 rupees, through mobile banking this cost reduce to Rs. 2 Time saved by the bank through mobile banking can be utilize in expansion of business, marketing and sale activities etc Banks can be benefited in a way by getting commission from cellular companies for providing services through ATM i-e prepaid talk time Those banks that are providing these services have a competitive advantage over those who are not providing it (Uppal, 6 jan 2010). MODELS: According to the policy paper issued on regulatory frame work of mobile banking by SBP there is only bank led model allowed. Non-bank model will only be allowed afterwards when players included in system get that much mature to have a limited control on a system. Bank- led model can be implemented by joint venture of Bank and cellular companies (SBP, 2007). Mobile banking can be implemented by using One- to-One Model, One-to-many and many-to-many model (SBP, 2007). One-to-one Model: In this model only one bank gets in agreement with a telecom company to provide mobile banking services to the customer. The scope is limited because the services is specific to one telco customers but good service standard, greater customization and opportunity of Co-branding and Co-marketing (SBP, 2007). One-to-many model: In this model a bank is in agreement with many telecom companies and provides service of mobile banking to their customers and everybody who has mobile phone can reach to the mobile banking service. There are several drawbacks of this model one is the telco cannot prioritize the mobile banking SMS services in order to provide quick transactions, secondly financial institution has to bear all expense related to advert/marketing, lastly bank is responsible for the arrangement of product distribution and cash inflows and outflows (SBP, 2007). Many-to-many Model; In this model many banks interact with many telecom companies in order to provide services to all those customers who have bank accounts. System leads under this model require a central transaction processing system which is handled by a financial institution or a third party who had an agreement with bank. Transaction processing system must be responsible for provision of real time service, having all proves of transactions and provide daily basis reconciliation to the account holder. This model has minimum limitation and gives maximum connectivity to its customer like an ATM which can be use by the consumer for initiating another bank transaction (SBP, 2007). In 1997 Nokia, Motorola, Ericson and came together to have a one platform for WAP application because they believed that it is critical to have a uniform standard for implementation of wireless internet universally. From that time 350 more companies join them for WAP (o.o.obe and V.F balogun, 2007). Mobile banking can be implemented through companies other than telco such as fuel distribution companies, Pakistan post, chain stores etc by using technologies of mobiles and pc (SBP, 2007). According to the research, number of those people who doesnt have bank account are 4 billion in this world which is more than two third of world population consist of low and middle income countries. In Pakistan the ratio of financial outflow is even higher than inflow, the increase of inflows is become the critical component which lead to country economic development. Mostly developing countries had implemented mobile banking such as Kenya, south Africa, Philippines, Cambodia. (Syed Salim Raza, 2010) In Kenya mobile banking is implemented by largest mobile service provider, Safaricom and launched M-PESA in 2007. With the increase of 10000 subscriptions per day, Kenya has now 7 million clients out of 38 million people. Kenya provides services of depositing and transfer of money, in order to operate M-PESA 10000 agent was hired. M-PESA is usful for those area where there is hard to reach to banks. According to study the income of Kenyan is increase to 30% since they had started mobile banking. (Syed Salim Raza, 2010) Philippines were the first user of mobile banking is ASIA. The central bank of Philippines (BSP) has taken step towards opening of mobile banking. Further than mobile banking is supported by two biggest mobile network operators in Philippines, Global and Smart. The services provided by the smart is smart money having 2.5 million out of 39 million subscriber and 1.2 million subscriber of Gcash services out of 23 million by Global. According to BPS, through traditional way customer was charge 2.5 or 5 % of remittances but in mobile banking this cost only less than 2% and Philippians are now charge US$ 50. (Syed Salim Raza, 2010). Mobile banking working based on its four constituent MNO, Banks, user applications, customers. These participant help to translate the transaction initiated from customer to the format which can be understood by banking system. For the implementation of mobile banking bank use its core infrastructure with some advancement in which a user is authenticated (usually a pin) through a platform usually a phone and a server, information is extracted from a user and pass it on to the bank then bank have set of processes for a transaction once the application is done with financial transaction it is switch back to the user by an acknowledgement usually in a form of bank account reconciliation (Gavin Troy Krugel, 2007). The technology use in mobile banking can be categories in two environments, technologies at server side and technologies at customer side. SMS, IVR, USSD2 and WAP are server side technologies, on the other hand consumer side technologies includes applications, solution and offer which is set in SIM or in user mobile such as [emailprotected] and J2ME (Java) (Gavin Troy Krugel, 2007). According to the study there are different challenges faced by the mobile banking discussed by different author which relate to mobile banking through different prospects. Uniform standard is one of the most important challenge as there are many devices of different service providers and vendors are indulge. There are no uniform regulation had made for those electronic devices to work on one platform. Network security (unauthorized access), customer privacy, and clearance of liability on customer side as they go for loan because through mobile banking the subscriber has virtual account and there is financial risk involve in it. A challenge of wireless carriers and financial institution dispute, both have different responsibility with respect to mobile transaction. (VENABLE, LLP, November, 2008). The lack of interoperability among mobile operators has limited the access of mobile payment (Kopicki and Miller, 2008). Some of the challenges which include profitability, can be generated b y the initial payment paid by the customer for initiating a transaction. Which would be paid by the customer if the offer of mobile banking seems attractive to him, if its not does so then the initial cost of banks would be a sunk cost. Interoperability, regulatory issues and security are major constraints. (Ref: Upkar Varshney, December 2002). Financial loss seems more fearful for a customer because something passing in air is not that much secure than physical transaction. Privacy risk which relate to the theft of private information. There are many uncertainties related to customer for example they think that they may not make mistake while doing financial transaction through mobile. The loss of connection which left the transaction incomplete make customer hesitated for usage of mobile for its financial transaction. Ref: (Tommi Laukkanen, Suvi Sinkkonen, Marke Kivijà ¤rvi, Pekka Laukkanen, 2007). The introduction of GSM technology helped to boost the idea and implementation of mobile banking in Nigeria. Some of the challenges faced by the Nigeria are sustainability of of growth and progress, requisition of funds for marketing of mobile banking, development of promotion of IT, Security and privacy issues, Middleware issues devices, network and protocol limitation, different standards (o.o.obe and V.F balogun, 2007) As mobile banking is a new concept that will bring some challenges and issues as well, if these issues are solved adequately it will proved to be more benefited than other technologies. Some issues including awareness about mobile banking which cover rural and urban areas, the extent of resolving the issue of security and privacy these issues can be handled very carefully and effectively but the need to take an eye of interest (uppal, 2010) According to the survey more than 60% of users are worried about security of personal data and password protection while using mobile banking as mobile phone encryption ability is limited as compare to personal computer because of which the mobile cannot meet the demand of financial security. Various threats such as cloning and use of magic cards in advance era make mobile unprotected. The applications of new technologies make the bank to keep on changing the competition rule in banking industry. The most competitive challenge is how to provide the banking services to the customer which is more convenient to them, awareness among people would be a catalyst but also upgrade the business innovation and based on these services the mobile banking is the future (Zhong Wan, Weifeng Yin and Ronggao Sun, 2009). Issues in mobile banking are demonstrated as there are large numbers of people who do not have bank accounts especially in rural areas, due to unawareness and distant factor the people dont know about banking. There are policies, regulatory and legal, financial, security from malicious viruses, spam and malware attacks, information transfer (privacy of individual) and consumer protection, information disclosure on tariffs and services, data security, technical issues which need to be tackle. While introducing various applications for mobiles such as WAP based solutions create difficulty in uniform standards. Standards need to be address security and privacy concerns of customer as well as to promote the interoperability between different implementations. Revenue sharing agreement is another major issue between service provider, banks, content providers, other service provider such as utilities, retailer (Sanjeev Banzal, 2008). Challenges faced by the bank during implementation of mobile banking in Bangladesh are, Difficulty in selection of right software, Huge Investment in purchasing the Software, License, inability to do interbank transaction as the national payment switch is not in place. Handling huge agent network to deliver and receive cash over the counter. Challenges for mobile operator includes, sharing network with multiple Banks and Operator, technical limitation to access other banks, breaches in data privacy, accounting errors, or fraudulent transactions could expose an operator to large liabilities and serious reputation damage, The complex delivery of financial services could distract management from its core communications business, perhaps stretching the abilities of smaller mobile operators, Additional Investment in Solutions. Challenges faced by solution providers are, most of the solution are telco led so bank do not feel safe, Huge Investment from their part as most of the Bank wants t o share revenue, Some of the Banks are also not ready in terms of core banking or infrastructure for mobile baking solution. Challenges faced by government are prepare a proper guideline for the Mobile Banking system, maintaining track of all the financial transaction, setà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ up a list of services and there charges for all the mobile Banking service, Ensuring the compatibility of the software in Bank Led Model, Allow Interà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Bank transaction( Muntasir B. Shahariar, 2010). In order to provide mobile banking services the service provider has faced a challenge of security and privacy of customer, service provider has to promise users a level of security, a solution for this challenge has been made by mobile service provider is PIN and pass code to authorize valid customers and encrypted data for transfer along with the threat of password or PIN stolen if a mobile phone or wireless device is lost. Cope with low price charged to the customer is a also a hidden challenge for financial institutions because mobile banking is based on the revenue sharing model but in order to attract and retain customer low price than e-banking and previous banking service must be target(Caroline Boyd, 2007). Though mobile banking has a potential to improve saving rate and provide access to financial product but its still facing challenges which need to overcome includes high barrier to entry, low rate of loan repayment because of less contact with customer and regulatory issues (John Erickson, 2010). Attackers are gaining experience in tricks and those techniques which are unknown in 1990 are become mainstreams in 2000s such as phishing, malware, pharming such as DNS poisoning, increasing advancement in phones now threats is increased more on mobile than pcs(Bankable Frontier Associates, 2008) Challenge regarding m-banking to policy-makers and regulators is two-fold: Firstly, to encourage banks and mobile operators to develop solutions that are not proprietary, and secondly, to allow access to potential new entrants that can disrupt the lucrative business models of the banks and mobile operators. The key challenge is to do this while at the same time ensuring high levels of security and trust. Just like convergence forced the integration of broadcasting and telecommunications, so mobile banking is forcing the convergence of the financial and telecommunications sectors. Unfortunately, the convergence of two such heavily regulated industries means that this potential is unlikely to be met unless policy-makers lay the ground rules for innovation. (Comninos, Esselaar, Ndiwalana Stork, 2008) The bigger barriers in way of mobile banking is interoperability, fraud and security ,lack of awareness and understanding of benefits can achieve from mobile banking (Mahesh .K. harma , Ritvik Dubey, 2009). The common challenge policy makers and regulators have to address is: how to formulate regulatory policy that balances the need to provide space for innovation whilst ensuring services are scaled up safely (GSMA, 2008) There are also other manifest security challenges in delivering banking and payment services through wireless channels. Banks and other providers must implement security measures that adequately address these risks and threats regardless of the underlying network and carrier infrastructure used in delivering their services( Tony Chew, 2002) PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTURE (PKI) FOR MOBILE BANKING To understand the challenges of deploying PKI in mobile banking, it is assumed that two keys are important. One for encryption and another for decryption. Only the decryption key must be kept secret: it is called the private key. The corresponding encryption key call the public key can be published. A Public key infrastructure works as follow. Each mobile bank user is listed in a public directory, with his/her public key. If mobile banking user wants to send a message to the bank server, he/she obtains banks public key from the directory and uses it to encrypt the message. The encrypted message is sent to bank application server. Only bank server is able to decrypt this message, because only bank knows the corresponding decryption key. Further, mobile user can use his/her private key to digitally sign his/her message by encrypting the message (or its hash) with his/her private key. Although everybody can read public-key directories, they must be protected from falsification and abuse. Therefore,there is need arise for an appropriate infrastructure called a public key infrastructure (PKI). (Narendiran, Rabara, Rajendran, 2010) In Jan 2010, for the security protection public key certificate was introduce by which the transactions made more secure than ever by using public key certificate, a special phone i-e smart phone used in which electronic signature is validate the transaction and authenticate to access the banks website. For this purpose application based Microsofts ActiveX internet explorer was necessary in order to download PKC. As mobile phone is a non- Microsoft browser and its do not support ActiveX for example iPhone , blackberry, Android, these phone do not support the designed procedure, therefore the mobile phones cant be used for mobile banking. In July 2010, Financial services commission extended its regulation to allow other verification methods by which a lay man can having its simple mobile phone set can use mobile banking services by introducing non-Microsoft browsers (CAU, 2010). The major regulatory issues which set around the branchless banking some of them are; 1- the risk of failure after introduction, a high profile failure lead to failure of all branchless schemes in which a high risk involved, 2- Non-bank institution must be introduce why only trust bank and presently using model of bank led is not always successful there must be bank led model at bank because mobile operator is a trustable authority and mobile operator can provide facilities such as a transaction can be traced geographically that a bank can never provide and mobile operator can know location exactly well than banks where a money is going to transfer and where its going to be received.3- appropriation of KYC regulation is necessary the suitability of application of customer should be under consideration. For example, if a customer transfer $30 and other is transferring $1000, will both undergo same KYC checks? If the most basic KYC checks applied to the poorest customer and full KYC ch ecks would be applied to the customer who reached to the Max-limit this relaxation may lead to the risk of terrorist attacks (Paul Makin and McEvoy, 2009). Those regulation that have been used for traditional banking cant be used for mobile banking because the risks of traditional bank and risks of mobile banking cant be equal so there is a need to develop more regulation for mobile banking, there are some areas in which the regulator attention is more require for example, making legal anti money transaction, agency rule, fullfilment cost of regulation, Foreign exchange controls, Payment regulation for non-banks, i.e. mobile operators (GSMA,2008) The regulation against risk of fraud, loss of privacy of customer and even for loss of service for the establishment of trust among the customer and its the most necessary element for the development of mobile banking. A legal framework needed which give authority to receive or send payments in electronic form. The Regulations also require for the Banks to take corrective actions and result proof measures to provide protection against violation terms and conditions of licensing including power to suspend or withdraw the license and if is there any violation done enforce financial penalty or regulate compensation. In order to formulate regulation the bank is eligible for issuance of rules, regulation and guidelines and directions for paper based payment items and the instruments used to complete the transactions and for presentation of electronic check. Moreover, the regulation is set by the bank to recognize new payment tools for the protection of interest of customer by ensuring sec urity, integration, reliability of the payment system. In bank of India, the guidelines are only formulate by the reserve bank of India and it specifies that only those bank who have physical presence in India will be licensed and supervised and will be allowed to offer mobile banking in India. Services shall be restricted only to customers of banks and holders of debit/credit cards issued as per Reserve Bank of India guidelines. SBP issued a policy paper on Mobile ( Rasheda Sultana, 2009) The development of mobile banking require some rules and regulation to be implemented for the protection of consumer, promote secure transactions, encourage economic stability. In regulation, clearly define those activities and institutional arrangements for mobile banking that directly focus on licensing, regulation and management by financial authority. It is require by those who are offering mobile banking to clearly expose prices and services offered by them along with it ensure fair dealing and data protection for all consumer. It is also require that mobile banking facilitator supervise risks of fraud and illegal activities under the rules of Know Your customer (KYC) (CAU, 2010) Banking which elaborately discusses models of mobile banking and associated risks. SBP recommends bank-based model with the scope of introducing non-bank-based model at later stage ( Rasheda Sultana, 2009) Financial crisis highlights need to make customer protection, financial access and financial stability mutually reinforcing Technological advances in mobile banking necessitate regulations that are flexible enough to accommodate innovation and customer demand yet stringent enough to protect customer privacy. The clarification of issues help banks and telecom companies to assess the risk involved in providing mobile banking in better way (CAU, 2010) A major issue that come arise while using mobile banking is to know your customer, new customer identity evertime verified whenever he have to use the service. In Kenya, identification is proved through national id card and M-PESA service which rely on id card authentication and it goes perfect. Some development in regulation allowed that only a bank can offer mobile banking services because of the reason that mobile operator due to its lack of perception and recognition power, do not know how to apply same regulatory environment to the non- bank to some extent. As the security, protection (end to end encryption) can be done only by the mobile operators since the SIM in under control of mobile operator. There are two ways to resolve this issue one is to relax the SIM control, there will be a time reach in near future that the SIM will be public utility and some control rights would be taken away from mobile operator and given to the third parties, second is relaxation of security As the implementation of mobile banking solely on mobile operator is not possible, it can be operated with comprehensive security and suitable control on appropriate reporting of maximum number of customers, transaction size and enhanced server based control. The regulator will have access to the necessary levels (Paul Makin and McEvoy, 2009) In order to achieve success in fulfillment of regulation and implementation of regulation, the regulator have to keep in mind that regulation must be apply in a proportionate manner to ensure safe and sound mobile money transfer. The regulation must benefit customers by rise in competition which reduce the price and improve the quality of service. The regulation must allow to be with the new mobile coming up for money transfer services. Financial regulation has to be developed through a consultative approach with the mobile industry to ensure it closely tracks market development without becoming a regulatory barrier (GSMA, 2008) With respect to completing a mobile banking transaction, a mobile carriers legal obligation also differs in fundamental ways from a financial institutions. The mobile carriers obligation to verify the origination and termination of a telecommunications transmission is mainly to ensure that a call is completed, and, that customers are accurately billed for the service. To the extent that a transmission is not completed, regardless of the content of that transmission, the liability of a telecommunications carrier is extremely limited as a matter of law. Under longstanding common law precedents and statutory law, for the most part a customer is entitled to no more than a refund for the cost of a failed communications, even if that communication happens to involve digital transfers of very large sums of money( Frederick M. Joyce, 2010) Mobile banking has two security segments; one is called handset zone users zone and other is mobile operator zone. Data security issues in mobile banking for example hackers, malware, viruses attacks etc some of the security issues that occur in mobile banking is as follow; Information leakage, loss and alteration can be happen in mobile banking as the technology is based on wireless devices, the information is transferred from one end to another end by using radio waves modulation and demodulation. When the rays passes from the air there are many other rays with which the interference of respective wave can be happen by which information may be leaked, loss and distort or it can be intercepted hackers can extract the information by installing devices on electromagnetic devices or may delete, modify or add in information which can damage the purpose of legitimate user which is initiated by him. Instability of communication channels and mobile devices lead to incomplete transaction. T

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Affirmative Action and Racial Tension Essays -- Argumentative Persuasi

Affirmative Action and Racial Tension    Affirmative action. What was its purpose in the first place, and do we really need it now? It began in an era when minorities were greatly under represented in universities and respectable professions. Unless one was racist, most agreed with the need of affirmative action in college admissions and in the workplace. Society needed an active law that enforced equality during a period when civil rights bills were only effective in ink. With so much of America ¹s work force spawned from integrated schools now, some may question whether racism really is the problem anymore, and many college students might answer yes. They see it on college campuses today, and they are not sure why. Subconscious prejudices, self-segregation, political correctness, reverse discrimination, and ignorance all wade in the pool of opinions surrounding affirmative action and racial animosity. With racial tensions ever present in this country, one might question whether the problems can be solved by affirmative action. Some feel that affirmative action in universities is the answer to the end of racism and inequality. If more black students get into and graduate from good colleges, more of them will go on to even out the lopsided numbers in the work force. Prejudice secretly slips through everyone ¹s thoughts. Or so Barbara Ehrenreich believes when she writes of a quiet, subliminal prejudice that is caused by statistics that prove the fewer numbers of blacks in high profile jobs. When we see ninety percent of leadership roles in the corporate world held by white men, we begin to doubt other ¹s competence in that field. With so many minorities in menial roles, people begin to believe the white man is best for ... ...uys. ² Time 13 March 1995:114. Irvine, Reed, and Joseph C Goulden.  ³The Å’Blame Whitey ¹ Media. ² USA Today Magazine January 1994: 78+. Landes, Alison, et al. Minorities - A Changing Role in America. Wylie, Texas: Information Plus, 1994. 93-111. Martin, Anna. Student Survey. 30 October 1996. Page, Clarence.  ³We, the Indigestibles: The Campus Culture Wars. ² Showing my Color: Impolite Essays on Race and Identity. New York: HarperCollins, 1996. 257-282. Price, Hugh B.  ³The Black Middle Class: Past, Present, Future. ² The State of Black America 1995. Eds. Paulette J. Robinson, and Billy J. Tidwell. New York: National Urban League, 1995. 181-197. Zuckerman, Mortimer B.  ³The Professoriate of Fear. ² US News & World Report 29 July 1991: 64.  ³Going, Going ... ² National Review 29 July 1996: 12.  ³Thumbs Down. ² The Economist 30 March 1996: 30+.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

macbeth translation Essay -- essays research papers

Scene i: Play opens on eerie, macabre note in "an open place," where we see the three witches, the "weird sisters." In a dozen lines, they announce their evil nature by saying "Fair is foul,and foul is fair/Hover through the fog and the filthy air," and their intention to meet with Macbeth once the "hurly-burly" of a battle between the forces loyal to the King Duncan (led by Macbeth) and a rebels army (led by the current Thane of Cawdor) comes to an end. (Jump to the text of Act I, Scene i) Scene ii: At the camp of the Scottish King Duncan, a wounded officer tells the king and his son, Malcolm, about the heroism of Macbeth and his friend Banquo in the fight against the rebels. News shortly arrives that the battle has now been won. Duncan orders the execution of the captured Thane of Cawdor and then transfers this title and estate to Macbeth, the new Thane of Cawdor.(Jump to the text of Act I, Scene ii) Scene iii: Set on a heath, the three witches coven together again. They brag about their unnatural deeds and their powers over the supernatural world. Macbeth and Banquo appear on what Macbeth describes as an unusually, "foul and fair" day. The three witches predict that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and ultimately king of Scotland, and that his cohort Banquo will never rule. Macbeth pleads with them for more information about his future, but they vanish. Two of the king's men (Rosse and Angus) tell Macbeth about his elevation to the position of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth and Banquo are taken aback by the accuracy of the witches' prediction. For his part, Macbeth is by now inclined to believe that it is his fortune to become king. (Jump to the text of Act I, Scene iii) Scene iv: At Duncan's castle, the king, Malcolm and another of the king's sons, Donalbain, greet Macbeth and Banquo. Duncan announces that he will visit Macbeth at the new Thane's castle near Inverness, and then names his oldest son Malcolm as successor to the throne. Macbeth says that he will go to Inverness in advance to prepare for the king's arrival. But in a stage aside, Macbeth speculates that Malcolm is an additional obstacle to his attainment of the throne as prophesied by the witches. (Jump to the text of Act I, Scene iv) Scene v: At Macbeth's Inverness castle, Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband, in which he convey... ...ane. Macbeth realizes what this means in terms of the prophecies, but vows to fight on, still assured that no man born of woman can kill him. (Jump to the text of Act V, Scene v) Scene vi: Malcolm, Macduff and a lord of their party, Siward, prepare to assault the walls of Macbeth's castle. (Jump to the text of Act V, Scene vi) Scene vii: Macbeth appears in armor and kills Siward. He encounters Macduff and the two duel throughout the remainder of the scene. (Jump to the text of Act V, Scene vii) Scene viii: As the fight between them continues, Macduff tells Macbeth that he is not a "natural" product of his mother's womb, that he was prematurely ripped from it and (technically) is "not of woman born." Macbeth faces the challenge bravely, telling his foe to "Lay on, Macduff." Macduff does just that and kills Macbeth. Macduff appears carrying Macbeth's severed head and hails Malcolm as the new king of Scotland. Malcolm says that when he is crowned, he will make Macduff and his supporters Earls of the realm as they all celebrate the triumph over Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the evil that they wrought in Scotland. (Jump to the text of Act V, Scene viii)